Project Graduation 2025

The countdown is on!


Falmouth's Got Talent 2025


2025 Falmouth’s Got Talent is a fun event for Falmouth Schools 1st grade through 12th grade and it is one of the biggest fundraisers for Project Grad!  

We are looking for…Musicians, artists, dancers, actors, comedians, poets, orators, magicians, gymnasts, jugglers — we want to see it all!!! 


Join us on Sunday, February 9th at 1:00 PM to watch a fun and fabulous show featuring Falmouth’s talented young performers! Tickets are $17 and can be purchased in advance.



Please review the event rules and regulations and submit your registration for Falmouth’s Got Talent by FRIDAY, JANUARY 3rd. 

Students will attend an audition to help them prepare to participate in the event: 

  • Each performance should be no more than 3 minutes in length
  • Music details should be provided in the registration form in order to be available at the audition
  • Students should bring necessary props (piano/keyboard will be available)  

Once you register, you will be confirmed for the audition date for your school. Acts will audition in the order of registration submission. 


Registrants are expected to attend an audition and will receive an email following registration with audition information, including an arrival time. Performers should have their own props, but a piano/keyboard will be available to use. 

 FES Auditions: Thursday, January 9th 4:30-6:30 pm in the FES Cafeteria 

(Snow Date – Friday, January 10th from 3:30 – 5:30 pm) 

FMS and FHS Auditions: Sunday, January 12th from 1-5 pm in FHS Auditorium  

(Snow Date – Sunday, January 25t h from 1-5 pm) 

 Note: Times may shift or extend depending on the number of registered acts. 


Be sure to review these Rules & Regulations below before submitting your application! 

Falmouth’s Got Talent Rules & Regulations: 

  1.  At least 1 participant in a group act must be a current student in the Falmouth public school system in grades 1 – 12. 
  2. The Project Graduation Committee encourages diverse acts. Acts can be musical, theatrical, dance, artistic, literary or demonstrate any other creative talent. Groups are welcome. 
  3. Acts will be divided by grade level into multiple shows depending on the number of entries. 
  4. Acts should not exceed 3 minutes in performance time. 
  5. Entrants will go through an audition process. 
  6. Entrants should plan to attend the scheduled dress rehearsal prior to the show date. 
  7. The Falmouth’s Got Talent Committee will determine the acts that will qualify to participate, and the order of the acts for the show. 
  8. The top 3 acts, as determined by the judges in each show, will receive a cash prize. 
  9. All acts should be appropriate for a diverse audience that will include grades 1-12 students, families and friends, and should reflect Falmouth’s Core Values of Honesty, Integrity, Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Fairness, Caring, Respect, Citizenship, Pursuit of Quality, Responsibility and Positive Self Esteem. 
  10. Student performers will also need a ticket for the event.
  11. Ticket cost will be $17 and will be available for purchase online beginning January 20th.
  12. Event Dates (Times to be confirmed after auditions):   
    • Live Show Date – Sunday, February 9 (Snow Date – Sunday, March 9) 
    • Rehearsal Date – Saturday, February 8 (Snow Date – Saturday, March 8)